Sigh. I have nothing against Mondays per se. (When I lived in Saudi, the first day of the week was Saturday and at that point, I hated Saturdays.) So, let me rephrase. I hate WORKING Mondays. Especially after you barely get a weekend.
In fact, I hate the first day of every week. That's it. That's my post.
Oh and one interesting thing I found while getting these pictures:
| Derivation
| First day of the week.
Derived from the Latin
dies solis, "sun's day," a pagan Roman holiday.
| Second day of the week.
Derived from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg, which means "the moon's day." Latin: dies lunae, "day of the moon."
| Third day of the week.
Named for the Norse god of war, Tiu, or Tyr, the son of Odin.
| Fourth day of the week.
Named to honor Odin, or Woden, chief god in Norse mythology. Onsdag in Sweden and Denmark.
| Fifth day of the week.
Named for Thor, Norse god of thunder. Torsdag in Sweden and Denmark.
| Sixth day of the week.
Named for the Norse goddess of love, Frigg, or Frija. Variation of the Old High German frìatag, "day of Frija."
| Seventh day of the week.
Named in honor of the Roman god Saturn. Latin: Saturni.
Sater-daeg by the Anglo-Saxons.
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on Monday, November 30, 2009
at Monday, November 30, 2009
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