
Me no gotum Computer  

Posted by CK in , , , , ,

Yes, I don't have one. A computer. "Ah," you might say, "how then, are you blogging?" To which I would say, "BEEFCAKE! BEEFCAKE!"

So, I only have a computer at work and my laptop at home went to the Service Center in the sky and I have bid it adieu and given it a worthy send off. This means I kicked it, screamed at it, pleaded and finally broke down in tears.

Now, this is quite a problem because I've always had a computer. (By always, I mean 4 years). And now, I feel quite disconnected from things. Which is kind of cool cause I'm always complaining about wanting to be disconnected but it is quite unnerving to be actually computer-less. I'm learning to rely only on TV as a form of entertainment, reading (books!) as a way to get information and I have yet to revert to the ancient art form of communication known as letter-writing but I feel I'm on my way there.

(This cartoon has nothing to do with anything but I thought it was priceless :) )

But I do realize that I miss one of my closest friends online, Wikipedia. Man, it's impossible to imagine how much I depend on that one website. Anything and I do mean anything, I want to know, I just key it in and spend the next two hours reading either related links or something completely random that just popped in to my head whilst reading. It's time for my Did You Know section. (I created said section just now)

"It was launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger and is currently the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet."
"According to Alexa and comScore, Wikipedia is among the ten most visited websites worldwide. Of the top ten, Wikipedia is the only non-profit website." 

I love the fact that I can search for anything from : poop to rocket science to Chandamama (a very Indian childrens' magazine). And for a person who just loves to wiki, it's a pleasure. I keep jumping from one topic to the next, often forgetting what I originally came to the site for.

Another online indulgence lately is this. Blogging. I'm getting to read some great blogs in the time I spend blog-jumping. I've met some interesting people, thanks to IndiBlogger. There are a lot of good blogs, some interesting ones and some downright sad. But hey, to each their own and I'm sure there's loads of people out there who'd find practically some aspect of everyone's blog interesting. And the best part is, you can pick and choose who you follow and who is on your wavelength. Here's where I'm going to give a shout out to some new blogs I've liked on the way: Magali, Roshmi & Daniel.

And the thing is, I get the urge to blog at the oddest time and I've got to scratch that itch right away. I'm not the "remember it and do it later" kind of guy. I just type as I feel it. Not having a computer is cramping my style.

So, conclusion is that I need to get a PC and stat. I'm a huge gaming fan, evidenced by my uber-cool, albeit, small collection of awesome games:

  • X-Men : Rise of Apocalypse

  • Fantastic Four

  •  Age of Empires III

  • Age of Mythology

  • Assassin's Creed

  • Hitman : Blood Money

  • Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones
  • Prince of Persia : The Warrior Within

Now, the fact that I need to insert them in to a PC to play them also requires me to own one. I'm seriously thinking of checking out this baby. The Dell Alienware series of Laptops and PCs for game freaks. I present to you:

How beautiful are these machines? Really! And the Laptop specs are:

Hard Drive Capacity      500 GB
Operating System           Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit
Display Size                     17
Cache Size                        12

Maximum Memory         8 GB
Height                               2.11 in
Width                               15.98 in
Depth                                12.65 in
Weight                              11.68 lbs
Video Memory                 2 GB
Display Size                     17 in
Display Type                    LCD Display w/ Glossy Screen
Max Resolution               1440 x 900
Aspect Ratio                     16:10
Video Chipset                   NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260

Imagine how awesome the Desktop would be. :D And then I found out that they're priced at... Rs.191,658.55

Yeah, so since I'm not spending close to Rs.2 Lakhs on a computer, I'll settle for a normal, run-of-the-mill PC. :( Suggestions are welcome.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at Wednesday, November 25, 2009 and is filed under , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I've played some of these. I found Hitman boring. AOM rocks!

November 26, 2009 at 5:00 PM

haha.. another strategy fan. Yeah, hitman was boring but I just like killing (virtual)people so it was decent that way. But I loved AOM. Haven't played Assassin's Creed yet even tho I own it. :| But I'm probably going to go ahead and buy Creed 2 irrespective.

November 26, 2009 at 6:09 PM

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